
5G and the Internet of Things

Hotel-Tech | 1 Oct 2020

Ian Millar, a professor at the EHL School of Hospitality in Lausanne, shares his insights into the advantages, challenges and opportunities of 5G and the Internet of Things for hotels.

In this Hotel Techie video, Ian Millar talks about the meaning, relevance and use of 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT) in hotels today and the expectations and demands relating to these constantly evolving technologies for the hotel industry in the future.  


He explains what exactly 5G technology is and differences when compared to 4G and Wi-Fi solutions. Also discussed is how an independent hotel can be prepared for 5G and the role of Wi-Fi solutions at hotels in the near future. 

He further explains the meaning and use of IoT at hotels: how connectivity interaction among all hotel devices works, how this interaction can improve some basic operational procedures and what the role of 5G is in the connectivity interaction process.  


Finally, he points out the benefits this technology can offer any independent hotel as concerns ease-of-use and more efficiently performed basic daily operations over the next few years.  He also highlights the importance of a thorough pre-assessment for hotels considering any type of IoT implementation.   



What is 5G technology? 

How does it compare to Wi-Fi or 4G? 

What is the difference between a Wi-Fi and a 5G access point? 

Will hotels also need Wi-Fi in 2020-2025? 

Why is technology specifically relevant to hotels? 

What can an independent hotel do to be prepared for 5G? 

What is the Internet of Things? - IoT? 

What role does 5G have in device connectivity? 

Can you give us some examples of how IoT can be used in hotels? 

When should a hotel think about IoT and connected devices? 

What things can an independent hotel do in terms of this technology over the next few years? 

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