
How to use promotions correctly to increase your occupancy during low season

Hotel Spider
Features | 11 May 2021

To make the management of promotions faster and easier and to enable their partners to take full advantage, Booking.com has added the Promotions API. Hotel-Spider has integrated this interface in our system facilitating the centralized management of your offers and discounts.

Summer reservations are picking up for many hotels. During this high demand period especially with many travel restrictions being reduced filling your rooms might become easier. But what will the situation be after the summer and in business destinaitons? Promotions used correctly and targeted towards the right audience can help you fill rooms that would otherwise stay empty.  


Promotions means offering your hotel product at a better value to guests that would otherwise not book your hotel. They can increase your reservations by reducing the price under very specific circumstances. Fill inventory that you know will stay empty with an early booker promotion many months in advanced. Or extend the stay duration of your guests by offering an additional night at a more interesting rate.  



To be consistent with your online offers, simply add a new channel to any existing promotion and increase their reach, for example for your direct bookers on Spider-Booking.



Another way promotion can help you, is by introducing a nonrefundable offer. If the guest is very price sensitive you can promote a better deal but in turn he will have to commit to the reservation and pay immediately 


Traps and challenges to avoid with promotion. 


If you lose control over, your promotions or do not manage them carefully they can also go of in the wrong direction. You definitely do not want a loyal guest, to book a week-long stay with a discount during high season. Therefore it is very important to work with guardrail’s around your promotions. Make sure you target a specific customer during the periods you are willing to offer a discount on your products. The goal is to incentivize price sensitive customers you would otherwise lose to your competition.  



Booking.com API with Hotel-Spider



Booking.com promotions API  


Booking.com offers a wider range of different promotions on their platform, allowing you to reach the perfect target for your offer. To make the management of promotions faster and easier and to enable their partners to take full advantage, Booking.com has added the Promotions API. Hotel-Spider has integrated this interface in our system under the promotions tab facilitating the centralized management of your offers and discounts.  



Booking.com offers a wider range of different promotions on their platform, allowing you to reach the perfect target for your offer.



Just like with your inventory and reservations Hotel-Spider lets you easily and consistently manage all your promotions in one place. With the new feature you add, edit and delete your Booking.com promotions directly in the Hotel-Spider extranet.  


To be consistent with your online offers, simply add a new channel to any existing promotion and increase their reach, for example for your direct bookers on Spider-Booking.  


Start now with your centralized promotion management

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