
Complete integration for fantastically simple pricing

Hotel Spider
Features | 9 Mar 2022

The hotel pricing tool is now completely integrated into the Hotel-Spider extranet. This way you can optimize your prices more quickly and easily for your market in order to increase your revenue.

The new and expanded integration of RoomPriceGenie into Hotel-Spider’s extranet simplifies and facilitates price optimization 


RoomPriceGenie is a revenue management solution to automate your pricing. The system analyzes your incoming reservations, recognizes market trends and events, and recommends price changes to you.  

These transparent, comprehensible price recommendations ensure that you can maintain control while increasing revenue.  



The successful partnership between Hotel-Spider and RoomPriceGenie, as well as the great results for our many shared customers, have motivated us to push the technical integration even further.  


One of the innovations: Now you can see RoomPriceGenie’s details and price recommendations directly in Hotel-Spider’s extranet, where you can also adapt prices directly.  


On average, hotels have 22% higher revenue from online sales by implementing RoomPriceGenie, and we’d like to make it as easy as possible for all of our clients to increase their revenue.   



Book a demo with RoomPriceGenie

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