
B_ smart with your Hotel Tech Stack

Hotel-Tech | 23 Nov 2021

Searching for inspiration for your own hotel tech stack? In this video you'll learn how B_Smart Selection combines guest comfort and operational efficiency using the newest technology.

What does a modern hotel tech stack look like? Find out now! 

Do you want to redesign your hotel tech stack or bring it up to scratch, but don't quite know how? Then take a look at our newest Hotel Techie video.  


Hotel-Spider's Elisha Schoppig interviews Heinrich Toldo, CEO of B_Smart Selection. He explains which solutions his company uses to optimize both hotel business and guest experience. 


Which is particularly important right now, because many teams are understaffed, and most businesses still haven't recovered from the effects of the pandemic.  However, you should still exercise some caution when choosing new technology.  


The right technology for your hotel 

In this video you'll learn which tools B_Smart Selection rely on to enable guests when usingh a typical self check-in, and to save as much time on day-to-day processes as possible.  


We also answer important questions, such as: 


  • What's most important when choosing new solutions?  

  • Which role do my employees play?  

  • How will hotel technology opportunities continue to develop?  


Because every establishment is different, you will of course need to weigh up for yourself which tools do work best for you. But the ideas in this video offer valuable inspiration for optimizing your tech stack.  

This time, we invite you to join Elisha Schoppig as he explores the Swiss Innovation Day and presents some of the most interesting data and novelties from the event.
Hotel-Tech | 14 Sept 2021
Are you searching for ways to optimize your operation via booking.com? In this video you’ll find 6 actionable tips to make you even more successful on the top OTA.
Hotel-Tech | 31 Aug 2021
By managing your bookings more easily and successfully, you’ll ensure your hotel is as full as it can be. You’ll save time so your staff aren’t overwhelmed with constant tasks and remove friction from the reservation process. By synchronizing a channel manager with your own property management system it’s easier to manage every aspect of the booking process.
Hotel-Tech | 14 Dec 2021