
Hotel Price Parity in 2022

Features | 9 Feb 2022

In this month's Hotel-Spider live stream we spoke about Price parity in 2022!  Ignoring the legal discussion and focusing on marketing. In the conversation where Daniel Brand, Marco Baurdoux and Elisha Schoppig

As vaccination rates continue to increase around the world, the travel industry is beginning to re-emerge, and Hotel-Spider is here to make sure hotels can make the most of this reopening period.
Features | 8 Feb 2022
India is home to some compelling booking platforms that, if used correctly, can help hoteliers manage their bookings much more effectively and drive up their occupancy rates.
Features | 16 Dec 2021
What’s going to be particularly important this year launching successfully in 2022. Let's look at four trends and developments in the world of hotel technology. It's important to get to grips with them and try out new things.
Features | 14 Feb 2022