
SEO basics - an overview

Hotel-Tech | 18 Jul 2022

SEO doesn't have to be complicated! Learn from our experts the straightforward steps you can take so that your hotel website appears more appealing to guests and search engines.

Do you want more page views through websites like Google but lack confidence when it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?


In this video, experts explain the essentials for an optimized hotel website.


You certainly wouldn't say no to more organic reach and page views for your hotel website. If only the topic of Search Engine Optimization wasn’t standing in your way...


If you’re currently thinking that Search Engine Optimization is too much of a complex and difficult theme, then this Hotel Techie video is just what you need.


In the video, Elisha Schoppig of Hotel-Spider, Thierry Geissmann of DIG.ID Switzerland and Juliana Hahn of Hospitality Copywriting Solutions share the most important basics and easy-to-implement tips for SEO.


The contents of the video helps you to learn exactly what you need to do in order to optimize your hotel website in a targeted manner.


Getting started with SEO - the right way


Properly implemented search engine optimization can be the key to more direct reservations.

That is why our guests explain (among other things):


- The difference between SEO and Search Engine Advertising (SEA)

- How to optimize your website in a targeted manner

- What you should avoid at all costs

- What role technology and user-friendliness can play

- Which keywords you can use to achieve exceptional results


Of course, this is all just the tip of the SEO iceberg. However, by implementing these basic tips you'll be well on your way to turning your website into a magnet for new guests.


So don't wait any longer and watch the video now to unravel Search Engine Optimization once and for all.


It won't be long after that and you’ll start seeing the increase in page views and direct reservations that you had been hoping for.

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